Richard M Fleming, PhD, MD, JD

Unmasking COVID, Part 1 of 2
In Unmasking CoViD, we will expose these truths, looking at how viruses infect and worsen these InflammoThrombotic diseases. You will learn why people are dying with CoVid-19 and how the system has critically failed. We will trace the history of this virus and discuss what you need to know about CoViD and how we can measure the treatments being used to focus care on each individual; saving time, money, resources and lives.
198 pages

Unmasking COVID, Part 2 of 2
In the second part of Unmasking CoViD we will look at the different types of tests being used for CoVid-19 as well as how your body responds to infections like CoVid. We will see exactly what it means when you test positive and why this might not be as helpful as you have been told. We will also look at why people actually die with CoVid-19 and what treatments are available and why they work and when. We will also look at the potential risks and benefits of vaccines and where we are headed.
246 pages

Diet Grifters & COVID
While more than a million people around the globe have died with CoVid-19, and millions more are infected, that doesn't stop the Diet Grifters from trying to sell you their books, diets, and remedies.The truth is that poor dietary and lifestyle practices promulgated by these people have lead to many of our common chronic inflammatory diseases including obesity, heart disease, cancer, high blood pressure, strokes and a myriad of other health problems.We know that the comorbidities resulting from these diets are associated with people dying with CoVid-19. Learn what diets produce these InflammoThrombotic comorbidities and how changing what you’re eating could be the critical factor in reducing the risk of you or someone you love from dying with CoVid-19.
22 pages

CoViD-19 Made Extremely Simple
The Purpose of this Book.Many people feel overwhelmed by all the information they hear about CoVid-19. You are worried about getting CoVid and you are worried about what will happen if you become infected or if someone you love becomes infected. I also understand that for many people, science was never their strength, so this book is written for the general public. As such the real scientists and physicians reading this may think it is too basic for them; however, based upon what I am seeing, I think this book is a good place for many of the scientists and physicians to begin as well.This book is a brief look at CoVid-19. Where it came from; what tests to get and when; how to reduce your risk of catching CoVid, and more importantly what are the treatments. Like everything else, thanks to the lawyers, judges and Big Pharma, we begin this book by saying in the American Tradition of CYA; This book is not providing you medical advice and it does not replace your seeing your doctor. Although, you may want to take this book with you when you see your doctor, since the reason so people are dying with CoVid-19 was first explained by myself in 1994, then 1995, published in a Cardiology Textbook in 1999, more published work in the early 2000’s and finally discussed on 20/20 in 2004. Despite all of the presentations and publications patients have continued to be treated as if the only problem was the virus itself. The reason for so many deaths is the untreated INFLAMMATION and BLOOD CLOTTING occurring in response to the virus, particularly in people who have pre-existing health problems that predispose them to the inflammation and blood clotting killing them.Our research and more details about SARS-CoV-2 (aka CoVid-19) are discussed in the Unmasking CoViD books written by myself.
188 pages

CoViD-19 is Not a Hoax
In an effort to correct so much confusion and help people understand that CoVid-19 is a very real virus that must be taken seriously, I present the following outline from a debate I participated in. My special thank you to Kevin W. McCairn, PhD, who has and continues to do so much to help people understand the difference between Scientists and Drifters.“The first step in solving any problem, is recognizing there is one.” From: The Newsroom.
59 pages

Mirror - Mirror, an Honest Look at Our Courts, Big Pharma, Health Care System & Government
Over the last several decades I have been involved with the clinical investigation of several drugs, medical devices and nuclear imaging isotopes used in the daily diagnosis and treatment of patients. I talk about just a few of them in this book and the consequences of taking on the FDA, HHS, Big Pharma, the Courts and U.S. Federal Government.This book will show you what really happens when physicians take on the system to protect the patient.
598 pages

FMTVDM - Breast Cancer
FMTVDM is a recently patented method that overcomes the problems physicians are faced with every day when looking at a medical image and guessing whether you have a problem or not.
Too often decisions are made about whether you have heart disease, cancer, or even CoVid-19 by looking at the results of imaging tests and deciding; Yes the person has heart disease, cancer, or CoVid-19; or no they don’t.
This Yes-No approach has obvious problems and we all know people who have been told they don’t have a problem and then die; or are told they do have a problem and receive unnecessary treatment – treatment that can cause actual harm to the person. All because these qualitative images depend upon best guess approaches.
FMTVDM measures changes in your body to determine exactly where you are on a scale of health versus disease. As such it not only opens opportunities for less toxic treatments but the ability to actually measure if your treatment – whatever you decide to do – is working for you, or not. No more guessing!
In this series of books I will share with you presentations I have made to professionals – Doctors, Nurses, and Nuclear Technologists – around the world, as if you were there. Information that is important for you and your doctor to know. Information you can now have and share with your doctor, family members and friends.
66 pages

FMTVDM - Heart Disease
As we saw in Part 1 of this series, efforts by physicians to diagnose, treat, and follow treatment response of a patient, are flawed due to the fundamental limitations that occur when clinicians have to “interpret” the results of visual imaging studies.These limitations are overcome when those images are quantitatively measured to know the extent of the problem that exists. As we saw in Part 1, FMTVDM is the first and only patented method that actually measures these images; providing accurate, consistent and reproducible results that both the physician and patient can depend upon.Unfortunately, these limitations have also resulted in many individuals, Universities, and Companies, attempting to sell the idea that they are either better at interpreting qualitative images than others; or that what they use is quantitative. Nothing could be further from the truth, as the following presentation will demonstrate. Following the slide series there are two publications from the British Medical Journal Open Quality, and the European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging. Both peer-reviewed published papers show the difference between qualitative, semi-quantitative, and true quantitative imaging. Those papers are included in their entirety following the 2019 FNMT Conference presentation.
50 pages

Operation Warp Speed
The pandemic of SARS-CoV-2 resulted from a naturally occurring corona virus that was modified to provide gain-of-function. This virus, dubbed CoVid-19 has resulted in more than 60-million infected individuals and 1.5-million deaths worldwide. These deaths are the result of an Inflammothrombotic Response (ITR) to the virus and failure to treat the inflammatory and thrombotic consequences , , , in those people with impaired immune system control, resulting from either a naïve immune system or individuals with increased immune responses resulting from comorbities. Comorbidities that affect more than half the world’s population.While vaccines that have been proven safe and effective can reduce morbidity and mortality, unsafe and ineffective vaccines can produce quite the opposite result. The rush to develop these vaccines that (a) can neither stop infection since immunization does not actually prevent infection, and (b) will precipitate the very immune response that has already killed 1.5-million people, is myopic at best and poses a substantially greater potential threat to the health and safety of people receiving the vaccine shot(s), as demonstrated with the H1N1 vaccine for Swine Flu. The Swine Flue vaccine was also approved by the FDA who assured us the Swine Flu vaccine was both safe and effective. It was neither and I took care of some of those patients who developed neurologic problems as a result of being vaccinated.The guidelines for controlling SARS-CoV-2 were clearly violated as evidenced by the pandemic from Wuhan. The rush to develop and push these vaccines is a continued violation of protocols designed to produce safe and effective vaccines. These violations raise serious ethical and medical questions that have not been answered. Approval of these vaccines by the FDA and other world health leaders and organizations can hardly be met with confidence given the track record of these agencies , , and the potential conflicts-of-interest for those involved in the development of these vaccines.All of this leaves me with many questions, just a few of which include: If the vaccine is so safe and effective, then why aren’t the people making the vaccine getting vaccinated? Surely, if these vaccines are that good, safe and effective, then the workers producing the vaccines and the executives at these companies and their families, are critical to keeping the supply of vaccine coming to the rest of us. Why aren’t they being vaccinated?If the vaccines are that safe and effective, why aren’t the world leaders getting vaccinated first, or for that matter the Federal Judges? Leaders lead, do they not? If you are going to force vaccination on anyone, then you should demonstrate the safety and efficacy by volunteering yourself and your family. If you are going to sit on the bench in a Courtroom and decide on punishment for people who refuse to be vaccinated, then you and your family should demonstrate that these vaccines are safe and effective.The better question might actually be, Why are people NOT getting the types of treatments that have been shown to reduce the InflammoThrombotic Response (ITR) killing people, instead of pushing vaccines that will cause this deadly InflammoThrombotic Response? Simply - WHY???
35 pages

Echocardiograms, Part 1
Every year tens of thousands of people including doctors, medical students, paramedics, nurses, nursing students, and others involved in the care and treatment of cardiac patients, get introduced to echocardiography; aka Echo or Ultrasound of the Heart.The principles of echo are founded in physics although the interpretation of the results, e.g. color flow echo, shows that the use of Doppler shift and the direction of blood flow was not fully appreciated by those developing Cardiac Echo. In physics Doppler shift is the result of an object traveling away from the observer. As a result, the wavelength increases and the color shifts towards red. Objects traveling towards you compress the wavelength and the color shift is towards violet. In the world of Echocardiography, physicians flipped this scenario and red is blood flowing towards the transducer placed on the chest. Thus in physics red is away from the observer, while in Cardiology red is toward the observer. This fundamental error was corrected when Transesophageal Echo (TEE) was developed. For this book we will focus on Transthoracic Echo (TTE) – or conventional echo. Nonetheless, the principles remain the same and this book will provide you with the basic information you need to know, to understand Cardiac Echo.
38 pages

Echocardiograms, Part 2
Every year tens of thousands of people including doctors, medical students, paramedics, nurses, nursing students, and others involved in the care and treatment of cardiac patients, get introduced to echocardiography; aka Echo or Ultrasound of the Heart.The principles of echo are founded in physics although the interpretation of the results, e.g. color flow echo, shows that the use of Doppler shift and the direction of blood flow was not fully appreciated by those developing Cardiac Echo. Nonetheless, the principles remain the same and this book will provide you with the basic information you need to know, to understand Cardiac Echo.This book in the series on Echocardiograms is designed for Nurses, Nursing Students and Nurse Practitioners. As a nurse or nursing student, having a fundamental understanding of what an echocardiogram looks like, and what we are looking for as Cardiologists, can be an invaluable tool in our communication with you about the health of the patient.
27 pages

Echocardiograms, Part 3
Clinicians are tasked daily with the responsibility of collecting pieces of information from the history, physical, and tests of a patient; to determine what specific problems the patient might have. From this a treatment plan can be devised and progress measured.Echocardiography provides a unique non-invasive tool to help the clinician decide exactly what type of heart problem a patient might have.In Parts 1 and 2 of this series we introduced physicians, paramedics, and nurses, to the basics of Echocardiography. The key to finding heart disease - or any health problem - is knowing what to look for and putting the pieces of the puzzle together. In part 3, we will look at specific examples of a variety of Cardiac problems found on echocardiograms and put the pieces of the puzzle together.
32 pages

How To Read an Electrocardiogram, Part 1
Every year thousands of people including doctors, medical students, paramedics, nurses, nursing students, and others involved in the care and treatment of cardiac patients, get introduced to the world of reading electrocardiograms (ECGs or EKGs).
This skill is fundamental to understanding if a patient is having a problem with the rhythm of their heart, has an electrolyte problem, is receiving too much of a given medication, experiencing an infection or inflammation of the heart, has too much fluid around the heart, or are experiencing a myocardial infarction.
While reading an electrocardiogram may seem daunting at first, this book was designed from my lectures used to train students, interns, residents and fellows, on how to read an electrocardiogram. Rather than memorizing facts, this book will walk you through the steps of how to read electrocardiograms from beginning to end using the same approach used by Cardiologists like myself.
102 pages

How To Read an Electrocardiogram, Part 3
Every year tens of thousands of people including doctors, medical students, paramedics, nurses, nursing students, and others involved in the care and treatment of cardiac patients, get introduced to echocardiography; aka Echo or Ultrasound of the Heart.The principles of echo are founded in physics although the interpretation of the results, e.g. color flow echo, shows that the use of Doppler shift and the direction of blood flow was not fully appreciated by those developing Cardiac Echo. Nonetheless, the principles remain the same and this book will provide you with the basic information you need to know, to understand Cardiac Echo.This book in the series on Echocardiograms is designed for Nurses, Nursing Students and Nurse Practitioners. As a nurse or nursing student, having a fundamental understanding of what an echocardiogram looks like, and what we are looking for as Cardiologists, can be an invaluable tool in our communication with you about the health of the patient.
27 pages

How To Read an Electrocardiogram, Part 4
Once clinicians and students learn how to read electrocardiograms and have participated in foundational classes in Basic and Advanced CPR, they are ready to confront the enemy – deathCODE BLUE is the phrase everyone has become familiar with. The time when a patient’s heart has either stopped or they have developed a rhythm that is life threatening. CARDIAC ARREST is the result of a rhythm that is no longer able to sustain life and when left untreated the patient will either sustain heart damage (MYOCARDIAL INFARCTION) or die.This book provides some real life examples of cardiac arrest rhythms and some of the treatments for those rhythms to provide some practice opportunities to help prepare you for such patients.

Electrocardiograms, Basic Pacemakers, Part 5
When the electrical system of the heart fails to work properly, we can assist the heart by implanting electrical leads into regions of the heart to provide the necessary electrical stimulus for muscle contraction. These electrical stimuli must go through the muscle itself and as such the pattern displayed on the electrocardiogram resembles that seen with bundle branch block morphology. You will notice that the conventionally placed ventricular lead is in the right ventricle. This means – as you should remember from the prior books on reading electrocardiograms – the morphology will appear as a left bundle as the electrical stimulus will begin in the right ventricle and then travel through the walls of the left ventricle.Initially these electrical leads were powered by external sources and vacuum tubes (aka the Fleming valve) invented by Professor John Ambrose Fleming in 1904.Today these leads are powered by implantable sources that are closely monitored and replaced every 3-7 years depending upon what is required from the battery sources.In this brief tutorial we will look at the nomenclature of pacemakers and what is seen on the electrocardiogram.I dedicate this book to my friend and teacher, Dr. Denton Arthur Cooley with whom I had the privilege of sharing patient care.
25 pages